December 8, 2009

More black magic, ghosts and goblins

Further storian (chatting) with one of the teachers here on Paama and more tales about black magic come to light...The Ni-Vanuatu who practice black magic are chosen by a “secret society” which involves training and initiation in order to become granted admittance. Of the rituals, a new recruit must kill a close friend as well as eat their own excrement! Ewh!

As a member of this black magic fraternity, one has the power to kill someone by just thinking so, however in order to kill someone, you must also kill a relative or close eye for an eye, essentially.
There has been "scientific proof" claims my teacher friend...once an autopsy was performed on an individual thought to have been killed by black magic, the person’s insides were removed and in its place sand and leaves. True story.

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