September 2, 2008

And so it begins...

I am off to orientation in LA tomorrow before I leave for Vanuatu on Thursday! Ready to get this show on the road and once in Vanuatu I'll be living with a host family for a few months and then sent to my very own village in December. If you didn't know already, there is only one Peace Corps volunteer per village so we can fully integrate into the community...I hope they like me! :) And thankfully I know someone who will be joining me on the journey...Lindsay, who I got to meet in Chicago...glad to have a buddy starting off!

I've had a blast visiting everyone before I depart and miss y'all already!

I am unsure of how often I will be able to check email or update this blog. You can still email but excuse a delay in reply. I will also post travel details for those who plan to visit...come on down! While I am far away with limited internet...please keep me posted on your happenings!

Thanks for all the well wishes and as I've said've helped me get here.

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