September 14, 2008

Mail and contact

Some of you have asked about sending mail/care packages (THANK YOU!) and here are some details and tips...

Address until training in December:
Peace Corps/Vanuatu
PMB 9097
Port Vila
Republic of Vanuatu

Shipping rates:
There is an international flat rate box that my mom has mentioned and you can obtain them from the USPS.

Some tips for mailing:
*Mail can take 4-6 weeks, packages possibly longer
*Postcards should be sent in envelopes--otherwise they may be found on the wall of the local post office.
*Do not mark anything as over $100. Customs will hold on to the package for several months if so.
*When the post office asks what you are mailing- state "Educational Materials."
*Padded envelopes mail much faster than boxes, Customs tends to leave them unopened.
*Obviously better not to mail anything valuable.

*If there is an emergency, contact my mom Catherine at 336.623.8695 and she can reach PC.

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