October 31, 2008

Going to Paama Island!

I leave for wokabaot (site visit) on Tuesday to check out Paama, my home for the next 2 years. It's a small island north of Efate (Port Vila) and south of Ambrym. Lindsay, the gal I met in Chi will be in Ambrym which is only an hour boat ride. I will also have a PCV about 30 min from me in Liro, Paama. I will write more and post pics when I am back.

I have heard/read up on Paama and it's known as the island of rats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Since there are no snakes on the island (my mom will be happy), there is a rat infestation but I've also heard that many have been exterminated so hopefully they won't be too much of a nuisance. I am right by the water, however swimming is minimal or not at all because there are sharks. Hm...

My house has cement floors and running water but I'll have to walk a few meters to get to the smol haos. As long as it's just mine, I will make it work.

More later. Continue to update me on what is going on in your world! volunteer@vu.peacecorps.gov (sub: AMY) Once I am on Paama in Dec, I may not be able to get emails so thanks for sending!

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